
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11137 From: Amir Date: 2/27/2015
Subject: Tool Setup Page
Hi Tom
there is two page with this name "Tool Setup" , one in KMotion.exe >G code >Tool Setup , another in KMotion CNC.exe > Tool Setup
that have different Values, please describe about this page .
another question, about init value :
in "config & flash" page dont there any "Vel" and "Accel" ,but when create c code for kflop, we can see this parameter :
this Vel parameter is feedrate for G00 ???
in addition ,40000.000000 is mm/min ?

best regard

Group: DynoMotion Message: 11138 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 2/28/2015
Subject: Re: Tool Setup Page
Hi Amir,

The KMotion.exe | GCode Screen is obsolete.  Use KMotionCNC instead.

The Step Response Screen has V A J Parameters for Velocity, Acceleration, and Jerk.

The units are counts (or steps) and seconds.

These parameters are used for moves initiated within KFLOP and also for Jogs and Rapids (G0) moves from KMotionCNC.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11139 From: Amir Date: 2/28/2015
Subject: Re: Tool Setup Page
thx for reply
what is different between
V A J in "Step Response" page and Vel and Accel in "Tool Setup Screen>Trajectory Planner> Axis Parameter" ???


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11140 From: TK Date: 2/28/2015
Subject: Re: Tool Setup Page
Hi Amir,

The Trajectory Planner Velocity and Acceleration are used for Coordinated Trajectory Planned motions (G1, G2, G3 type) motions which have unlimited Jerk. 


On Feb 28, 2015, at 10:42 AM, Amir cncperfect@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


thx for reply
what is different between
V A J in "Step Response" page and Vel and Accel in "Tool Setup Screen>Trajectory Planner> Axis Parameter" ???
